Join our advising team as they go over common myths and misconceptions about studying in the UK, to help you feel more confident in your decision to study abroad! Will your degree really transfer back? Do you have to like tea? Tune in to find out!
It can be frustrating to reach a decision on your next steps only to realize you have to wait before you can actually apply and get things underway. But what you might not realize is that we work with many students in this situation. We are happy to help you identify ways that you can get started on your application process and as a bonus you'll help to make things easier for yourself down the road.
Join our advising team as they detail their top tricks, tips and advice for preparing for your applications early. If you are interested in studying in the UK in a future year, this webinar will cover the little things you can be doing now that make a big difference later.
Applying to begin your UK studies in January? Your application timeline will differ from the traditional timeline of students starting in September! Not to worry, we're here to help!
Join our advising team as we discuss the typical application timeline for students applying to studies in the UK, specifically those beginning studies in the Winter term. We'll make sure you're well prepared for any deadlines that may arise from your applying to accepting your offer to sorting your visa and accommodation.
You've applied to study in the UK, congratulations! At Across the Pond, we know that you may not be familiar with the types of offers the UK provides, or the next steps. We're here to help you decode the wording on your offer letters, through examples of what you can expect from a university offer. We'll also cover what to do now that you have your university offer, and how to accept it! Tune in to learn all about how to decode your offer to your chosen UK university!
This session provides insight into studying Psychology at the University of Winchester. The university has a very strong portfolio of Psychology courses and also has fascinating areas of research; for instance, they have a dedicated Volunteering Research Hub. They ultimately focus on all aspects of the human experience and behaviour, a very rich area of study, indeed! Learn more by watching this session.
(Recorded: 28 July 2021)
This session provides insight into Forensic Investigation and the Cold Case Unit at the University of Winchester. The course teams practical experience and theoretical study, further enhanced by Winchester's own Cold Case Unit, which was established in 2021. Learn more about Winchester's innovative approach to education forensic investigators by watching this informative session.
(Recorded: 27 July 2021)
This session provides insight into studying Music Production at the University of Winchester. Winchester has been named one of the top universities in the UK for Music and this is reflected in their excellent resources, such as the university's multi-media centre, as well as its emphasis on creativity and technical skills. Watch this session to learn more about this exciting field of study.
(Recorded: 12 July 2021)
This session provides insight into studying Journalism at the University of Winchester. Journalism is a very strong subject of study at the university; it takes a practice-based approach to study, and is taught by practitioners. The uni even has its own newsroom! Learn more about this exciting course of study by watching the session.
(Recorded: 6 July 2021)
This session provides insight into studying Computing at the University of Winchester. The university focuses on developing the skills needed to be on top of state-of-art technologies, and also provides key industry links, as well as working on actual client-based projects. Learn about the opportunities to study Computing by watching this session!
(Recorded: 21 June 2021)
This session provides insight into studying Creative Writing at the University of Winchester. Learn to hone your talents in a supportive environment that is also one of the most successful creative writing programmes in the UK. Winchester's goal is as follows: "We want you to become the best writer you can be".
(Recorded: 17 June 2021)
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