Studying in Britain offers fantastic value for money. Tuition fees for a UK degree range between £15,000 and £25,000 per year depending on the university and subject being studied..
In addition to the tuition fees mentioned above, you should also consider accommodation and living costs. On-campus accommodation for the first year of studies is guaranteed to Canadian students who apply by the housing deadline. This applies to all of the Across the Pond partner universities for both undergraduate and graduate programs. University halls of residence will cost in the range of £70-£200 per week including all bills. Private sector accommodation will vary depending on the type of accommodation and the area.
Total living costs are in the range of £9,000-£11,500 (per year) including accommodation, bills, food, books, transportation and entertainment, though this will differ depending on your individual necessities and lifestyle. Depending on which program you choose to study and where you live, expect your total costs for the year to be around £24,000-£37,000. For most undergraduates studying in Britain, expenses will be at the lower end of this range.
On-campus accommodation for the first year of study is typically guaranteed to international students who apply by the accommodation deadline. This guarantee applies to almost all of Across the Pond’s partner universities. University halls of residence generally cost anywhere from £70-£200 per week. Depending on the university, this price could include any or all of the following: an internet connection, gym membership, content insurance, one’s own personal bathroom, catered meals, and sometimes even a cleaning service! As you research university housing, don’t forget to double-check everything the listed price includes. Most undergraduate accommodation contracts will cover the fall and spring terms and then students will either return to Canada for summer holidays or move into a separate flat with friends for the summer. Some accommodations do offer full-year contracts to enable international students to remain on campus through the summer, particularly if they are postgraduate students writing their dissertation or needing to complete professional placements as part of their degree. Each university tries to provide a variety of accommodation options on campus and sometimes in the city in order to help students find a solution that best fits their needs.
Private sector accommodation, or city housing, will vary in price and quality depending on the type of accommodation you want and the area in which it is located. Note that the cost of rent does not usually include the internet or any of the above-mentioned perks that are included with university housing. Additionally, because you will likely not have a British guarantor, landlords may request anywhere from 3 to 12 months' worth of rent upfront to secure a flat in their building. Though it is more difficult to arrange city housing, and Across the Pond’s official advice is to opt for university housing, living in the city can be achieved as an international student. A few of our advisors have even done it! We would be happy to help you if this is your goal.
When it comes to the costs of books, travel, entertainment, necessities, and the other needs and wants of students, this largely depends on each student’s lifestyle and goals while abroad. Usually, the amount students are required by the Home Office to have available in living expenses per year, depending on the exchange rate at the time of study - is totally sufficient to ensure each student has a safe and comfortable place to live, has plenty to eat, plenty to spend, and plenty to save in case of emergencies. And hey, this is also a great opportunity to learn how to live on a budget. Can you say “adulting”?
Glad you asked! Our partner universities realize it is expensive to be a student (although it is generally much less expensive to study in the UK). As such, they make scholarships widely available to international students, whether they are applying to undergraduate or graduate programs.
Unlike scholarships you see in Hollywood movies however, these scholarships do not typically cover the entire cost of tuition fees and/or living expenses. They will be more like the scholarships you may see at Canadian universities. Expect scholarship help to generally range anywhere from $2,500 and $10,500 (depending on the exchange rate when you study). Naturally, scholarships on the lower end are more common and easier to come by. Larger scholarships will typically be offered in limited numbers and can be quite competitive. Since tuition is so much cheaper in the first place, even a small scholarship makes a big difference. Also, unlike North American universities, you will need an offer from a British university before applying to many of the scholarships they have available. We, therefore, recommend students who need scholarship assistance to submit their university applications no later than January or February of the year they hope to attend. This timeline will give universities sufficient time to review your application and issue a decision before their scholarship deadlines have passed.
Scholarships in the UK are more widely available for students applying to graduate programmes, specifically at the master’s level. However, they do not typically cover the entire cost of tuition fees and/or living expenses. There are a few scholarships available from the Across the Pond UK partner universities and they are usually ranging between £1,000 and £5,000. You can read more about university scholarships here
External agencies exist that provide scholarships for Canadian students wanting to study abroad in the UK. We can help you with information about these. Once you have identified your academic area of interest we can offer you support and advice regarding any scholarships you may be eligible to apply for.
Applicants will usually need to hold a place at an institution in order to apply for a university scholarship. We therefore recommend students looking to apply for scholarships to apply to their programs no later than January/February of the year they hope to attend.
You can almost always use Canadian federal loans to help pay for your British education with the exception of a few of our partner universities. Plan to fill out the student loan application for your province of residence as usual and they will assess it based on your plans to study in the UK. Keep in mind you will need to fully fund your year abroad through loans, personal finance, and/or scholarships before you arrive in the UK, and you will need to demonstrate that you have this funding in order to secure your student visa.
Probably one of the best opportunities available to you while in the UK is getting some international work experience to pop on your resume! As an international student in the UK, you can work up to twenty hours a week. Universities don't typically recommend students work any more than 20 hours per week even if they are Canada-based. Freshers (first year students) may want to wait until they have a better idea of what their school workload is like and then decide how many hours they feel they can work. Normal hourly pay ranges anywhere from £5-£7. Each university has a Careers Centre that can assist you in looking for part-time employment.
Find out more by contacting one of Across the Pond's UK Study Experts today.