Ready to pack your bags? We can help with all the last-minute details.
Soon, you will be leaving to start one of the biggest adventures of your life – getting your degree in the UK. We are so excited for you!
Across the Pond’s student advisors have been in your shoes before. The weeks leading up to your departure can be exciting, nerve-wracking, scary, and fun all at the same time, and we know you have a lot of questions about your move overseas:
- “What should I pack for the UK – I hear their weather is all over the place!”
- “How will I keep in touch with people back home?”
- “Will I have health insurance in the UK?”
- “How do I set up a UK bank account?”
- “Do they have peanut butter in the UK?” (Yes, we get this question.)
Across the Pond can answer all of these questions for you and more. By filling out the form below, you can download the first seven pages of our Pre-Departure Guide, which includes the following:
- Our tried-and-true packing list
- Advice for your first few weeks in the UK
- What to expect while living and studying in the UK
- A brief guide for traveling abroad while based in the UK
(PLEASE NOTE: We are partial partners with universities not listed on our website. Even if you do not see your university listed, please let us know where you plan to attend anyway. We may still be able to help!)
**It is important that you consult your local government and health authority for guidance regarding social distancing measures and travel restrictions that may affect your predeparture preparations. Our pre-departure guide was designed pre-Covid-19 and some of the information may not comply with current public health measures put in place by the UK government. You should watch for updates from your chosen UK university regarding any measures you should be aware of on campus and in the UK when planning for your arrival.**
At certain times during the year, we also offer a Predeparture Webinar where you can learn even more about moving to and studying in the UK from advisors who have done it themselves, as well as ask any lingering questions you may have.