Join our advising team as they go over common myths and misconceptions about studying in the UK, to help you feel more confident in your decision to study abroad! Will your degree really transfer back? Do you have to like tea? Tune in to find out!
It can be frustrating to reach a decision on your next steps only to realize you have to wait before you can actually apply and get things underway. But what you might not realize is that we work with many students in this situation. We are happy to help you identify ways that you can get started on your application process and as a bonus you'll help to make things easier for yourself down the road.
Join our advising team as they detail their top tricks, tips and advice for preparing for your applications early. If you are interested in studying in the UK in a future year, this webinar will cover the little things you can be doing now that make a big difference later.
Applying to begin your UK studies in January? Your application timeline will differ from the traditional timeline of students starting in September! Not to worry, we're here to help!
Join our advising team as we discuss the typical application timeline for students applying to studies in the UK, specifically those beginning studies in the Winter term. We'll make sure you're well prepared for any deadlines that may arise from your applying to accepting your offer to sorting your visa and accommodation.
You've applied to study in the UK, congratulations! At Across the Pond, we know that you may not be familiar with the types of offers the UK provides, or the next steps. We're here to help you decode the wording on your offer letters, through examples of what you can expect from a university offer. We'll also cover what to do now that you have your university offer, and how to accept it! Tune in to learn all about how to decode your offer to your chosen UK university!
Join our advising team as we discuss the typical application timeline for students applying for studies in the UK. We'll highlight where you can expect to be in the process month-by-month, different application requirements, major application deadlines, and other key elements to keep you on track. Applying on your own can be overwhelming and confusing but we are here to help you from start to finish.
Across the Pond made the UK application process an absolute breeze.
Coming from North America it is difficult trying to navigate the application systems of another continent, but my advisor made it easy. She was helpful through the whole process and a fantastic sounding board for my personal statements.
I would recommend Across the Pond to anyone, especially if you are new to application processes in general.
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