I found the energy of Oxford invigorating

Study Physiotherapy in the UK - Across the Pond Canada - Oxford Brookes

Studying in the UK has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me, and there are several reasons why I chose to pursue my education here.

Firstly, I was drawn to the vibrant student atmosphere that permeates many cities across the UK. I found the energy of Oxford invigorating, and being so close to London provided me with countless opportunities to network within various work communities. This environment has been invaluable in helping me build connections and explore potential career paths.

Another factor that influenced my decision to study in the UK was my family ties to the country. With relatives here, I had always harboured a desire to visit and experience life in the UK. Additionally, I was attracted to the scope of physiotherapy education offered in the UK, which has a positive global reputation and can be easily transferred to multiple countries, including my home country of Canada, as well as destinations like Australia and New Zealand.

My time as a student in the UK has been incredibly positive, largely due to the diverse and inclusive student community I have been a part of. I've had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with individuals from all over the world who share similar aspirations of becoming qualified physiotherapists. This exposure to different perspectives and backgrounds has enriched my learning experience immeasurably.

One of the highlights of my course has been the multitude of opportunities it has offered beyond the required curriculum. For instance, I've had the chance to gain hands-on experience working pitch-side with rugby clubs in Oxford, which has not only complemented my studies but also provided valuable practical skills and insights.

Moreover, studying in the UK has opened up exciting travel possibilities during breaks and holidays. With short travel times to neighbouring countries, I've been able to explore diverse cultures and landscapes that would have been less accessible from Canada. This aspect of my experience has broadened my horizons and enriched my personal growth.

My advisor from Across The Pond was instrumental in helping me achieve my goal of studying in the UK. I was given insight on how to apply to universities across the UK as well as how to write an appropriate personal statement that was well suited from my programme. 

Overall, my decision to study in the UK has been immensely rewarding, offering me a supportive learning environment, diverse opportunities for personal and professional development, and the chance to explore new horizons both academically and culturally. I would highly recommend it to any prospective student looking for a fulfilling and enriching educational experience.

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Decoding Your Offers and Choosing the Best UK Uni for YOU

You've applied to study in the UK, congratulations! At Across the Pond, we know that you may not be familiar with the types of offers the UK provides, or the next steps. We're here to help you decode the wording on your offer letters, through examples of what you can expect from a university offer. We'll also cover what to do now that you have your university offer, and how to accept it! Tune in to learn all about how to decode your offer to your chosen UK university! 


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Introduction to Oxford Brookes University

This online session provides an introduction to Oxford Brookes University. Oxford Brookes is a well-regarded modern university situated in the renowned city of Oxford. It truly provides the best of both worlds, as students have the advantage of extraordinary academic resources and also a contemporary education and attention to careers that prepares them for life after graduation.

(Recorded: 24-Mar-22)

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Application Timeline and Deadlines

Join our advising team as we discuss the typical application timeline for students applying for studies in the UK. We'll highlight where you can expect to be in the process month-by-month, different application requirements, major application deadlines, and other key elements to keep you on track. Applying on your own can be overwhelming and confusing but we are here to help you from start to finish.

Amazing world-class universities with professors from all around the world

Study Occupational Therapy in the UK - Across the Pond - Oxford Brookes University

I decided to move to the UK for my master’s degree as I wanted to visit the country for a long time due to my interest in exploring the culture and beautiful architecture. Knowing that the tuition cost would be very close to a Canadian University also helped my decision to move to the UK. Furthermore, the UK is known for having amazing world-class universities with professors from all around the world. 


Oxford is a fantastic student city where you will always have something to see or do as there is something for everyone. You can take an amazing tour of the historic University of Oxford and visit locations where the Harry Potter movies were filmed. The city has many museums such as the Ashmolean but if that’s not your thing you can visit the botanical gardens or go punting in the Thames. Cowley Road contains many of the best restaurants that offer cuisine from around the world, and the nightlife is great for those nights out with friends. My favourite part of Oxford is the fact that the whole city is bike accessible, and anything is only a 5–10-minute bike ride away, giving it the name “Cycle City”. 


Oxford Brookes is an excellent University with the most knowledgeable and compassionate instructors I have ever encountered. When it comes to facilities for those enrolled in a nursing or rehabilitation medicine program, the university has multiple state-of-the-art simulation suites with all the best technology and equipment you can imagine. Oxford is so diverse as the university attracts students from around the world, so becoming immersed in various cultures and finding new friendships is easy.  


Since Oxford is a student city, there is plenty of student accommodation. Many options exist, from living in a house share with friends to a single-person studio flat. Living in University accommodation has been a great experience. Most rooms are ensuite, so you get your own washroom while sharing a living room and kitchen. The experience is relaxing after a long day of lectures and quiet at night due to building nighttime restrictions. The facilities are also close to grocery stores, restaurants and parks. 


My experience using Across the Pond was amazing; my advisor was beneficial and resourceful. She assisted me with the application process, applying for a student visa and answered all my questions and inquiries as soon as possible. She even took time out of her schedule to revise my personal statement, as it is an important part of the application process. I highly recommend using Across the Pond when applying to a UK university. 

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Study at Oxford Brookes University

Through the assistance from Brookes lecturers and the Brookes career services centre I landed myself a job at Deloitte Real Estate 6 months before I had even graduated.

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Study at Oxford Brookes University

Oxford is such a beautiful city. There’s always something to do, if you ever want to just go exploring down a street there are so many little things here to do. The people here are very friendly; it’s such a student friendly city.

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Study at Oxford Brookes University

I always knew I wanted to study abroad after completing my bachelor’s degree, but deciding where to go was the most difficult part for me. Luckily, one of my Internet research sessions led me to find Across the Pond. With the help of my advisor I found several schools in the UK that offered graduate programs I was interested in. I applied to several programs, but finally decided to attend Oxford Brookes for their MA Publishing.

Oxford Brookes appealed to me for a number of reasons: their student satisfaction rating was very high on a number of different websites, the lecturers on the publishing program had a history of industry experience, and the modules listed for the degree seemed directly relevant to the field. I wanted a master’s program that would help me gain industry experience as quickly as possible, and the Brookes MA has really lived up to my expectations. Already by the end of my first semester I had secured a work experience placement. I have since also acquired two volunteer positions related to publishing. If you want to learn the skills you need to be a publisher and have supportive teachers and advisors to help you get experience in the industry, I’ve found both through the MA Publishing at Oxford Brookes.

Some of the courses I’ve taken for my MA include an editorial module (with a proofreading tutorial), a marketing module, and a module covering design and production for publishing. In my second semester I am currently studying my elective modules: New Product Development (an editorial-based course), Rights Management, and Children’s Publishing. During this semester we are also required to submit a proposal for our final dissertation or major project that will be completed over the summer to finish the course.

I moved to Oxford just a week before the start of classes for my degree, in mid-September. I found it to be a beautiful city full of old buildings and rich history, and also quite a change from the busy urban setting where I had studied for my bachelor’s in Canada. While it may not have all the amenities of a big city like London or Toronto, the transit is easy to use, the city centre has decent shopping and there are loads of nice places to eat.

Oxford may not be a big city, but it is a very expensive place to live. Once you add up the cost of rent, utilities, food, and a transit pass, staying in residence starts to seem a little appealing. The postgraduate residence where I chose to stay (Clive Booth Student Village) ended up being the most cost-effective for me as the fees covered everything from Internet to a local bus pass, plus the location was close to all of the campus sites I needed to access for classes.

One of the nice things about my program in particular is that we are offered the chance to participate in school-coordinated travel to book fairs all over Europe. I had a chance to attend the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, and I will also be attending the Bologna Book Fair in Italy later this year. There are lots of places to see near Oxford as well, just an hour or two away by bus or train. Many of my classmates go to Bath on weekends, or take the bus to London. If you’re from Canada or America where the norm is traveling for a long time but getting nowhere, the UK is a pleasant change, because a two-hour train ride can get you to Paris! Travel is definitely one of the perks of studying in the UK… when your classes afford you the time, of course.

Everything about moving from Canada to the UK was a big step for me, and working with an advisor from Across the Pond helped ease the process a little bit. It was reassuring to know I could ask my advisor whenever I had a question about my school choices, my applications, or my VISA, and I would always get a prompt response. I also found the documents provided to me just before my move, like the Pre-Departure Guide, helped prepare me a little more for what life would be like in England. To any new student looking to study at Oxford Brookes, my advice would be to put yourself out there! Especially in the field of publishing, meeting people is the best way to gain experience, learn new things, and get access to resources (for example, those sought-after internships)!

There are some really good resources available at Brookes, from the lecturers themselves to the careers centre, librarians, and the Brookes Union. If you’re going to make an international move for school, make the most of all the new experiences, and talk to people! It can be hard to be sociable at first in a new place surrounded by new people, but I found the MA Publishing students to be a very international and very friendly group.

Taking a risk is worth it!

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The best thing about the course is where all the students come from. We literally come from all around the world and everybody has so many different experiences to share.

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Study at Oxford Brookes University

I am now attending Oxford Brookes University in Oxford, UK doing a masters in International Studies (International Relations). Initially I chose this school because of its location in Oxford but since coming here the program is well rounded to provide different opportunities after graduation. Having visited Oxford before, the city was one of the biggest factors to move here. It is big enough to do some exploring in your spare time but nothing is ever too far away. Oxford has a good mix of being very historical and traditional but with all the students there are always new things going on.

The cost of living is a little more expensive from home (Ontario, Canada) but there are always things to do and see that are both interesting and free. Living in university accommodations made the transition of moving here and settling into the university almost stress-free. The wardens of the halls were extremely helpful and having the first week to take in your new surroundings made it that much easier. While classes keep you fairly busy, there are many activities that could keep you involved, give you a break from work and allow you to make new friends. For me personally, I have joined a salsa dancing group but more casually I enjoy walking through the Oxford University Parks or even the city centre in general.

Taking this time to relax and do something you enjoy or even something new is one piece of advice I would give to a new student coming to Brookes, or even Oxford in general. As important as it is to keep on top of your work, having some time to unwind is essential especially if you are living in accommodations where the rooms are not very big. One other thing I would say is to talk to and get to know your tutors. Especially at Brookes, they are very approachable, helpful and happy to talk to you no matter what is going on.

Since I have been here, I have made some great friends and we have done some travelling together. London is a quick, easy and, as a student, fairly cheap bus or train ride for a day or weekend in one of the most famous cities in the world that I have done often. Over the Christmas Break I was joined by 3 new friend who went on a 3 week vacation to Spain, the French Riviera, and Italy. Being in the International Studies MA also allowed me to participate in a trip to Brussels and The Hague for a few days seeing sights like the EU Parliament and the International Criminal Court. I also have some upcoming plans to travel to Poland and Prague during the Easter Break and to Greece at the beginning of the summer before my dissertation takes up all my time.

I had a fabulous experience with Across the Pond. My advisor was very helpful right from the start, recommending Universities and programs that would be suited to me, all the way through helping with my visa and answering question that both my parents and I had. One of the best aspects of working with Across The Pond were the quick responses I received to questions and the role my advisor played in communicating with the universities regarding things like application submissions and acceptance requirements.

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