I am studying in the UK for the first time for law school. I love learning and experiencing new things as a student and person. As a first-year law student, I have learned a lot about myself and my personal development.
The atmosphere of the university campus is a new experience for me, however; it is one that is helping me as an individual to understand how to grow as a new adult.
Studying in the UK has allowed me many opportunities, including travel, and meeting new people that forced me to look at things from a new perspective and through a new lens. Living only a short train ride away from Brighton has given me the freedom to experience the city as much as I want, but still have the choice to stay on campus if I want. That choice has allowed me to spend as much or as little time in Brighton as I want.
The university has been able to help me as a new international student and not be as worried about the new experience that I have this year. Many contacts have aided my knowledge of how to best my experience, and if I have any questions, I don’t feel alone in this experience.
Choosing to study abroad, and specifically study in the UK has opened up my perspective for the future, and the opportunities I have going forward.
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