Ever since I could remember I have always wanted to travel to England so I thought I would take the opportunity to study here. I chose Worcester because I wanted the traditional English vibe from the city. Being an international student here is an unbelievable experience. The university provided an international week allowing you to get to know other students, settle in and explore the city. I have even joined one of their societies, the Christian Union. It is a good opportunity to meet lots of new people.
Living here has also made me very independent, having to buy groceries, do my own laundry and work out my financial budget. The accommodation is very spacious, modern, safe and gave me just a 5 minute walk to class.
I really enjoy the modules I am studying on my exchange. Every module is very hands on and will help me towards my next step in my career. The class sizes are small which means you get to know your fellow students but also your tutors know you by names and sincerely care about how you are doing. Studying these modules has given me the chance to gain some great connections of people that work in the industry who are happy for me to contact them even when I return home if I have any questions.
There are great facilities too, as I was part of the journalism and creative digital media courses I was allowed access to their radio studio, television studio and Apple Mac suite. I have enjoyed Worcester so much and would advise anyone to take the opportunity to study here if they have the chance.
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