My experience studying in the UK has been life changing, and Across The Pond was a huge help in making it happen. From applications to visas and all of the rest they made my experience run so smoothly - I can't imagine applying without them. Durham University has been incredible so far. With a 1,000 year old Castle and Cathedral as part of the University, you really can't lose. Doing a Masters in the UK means less class time, which gives you the freedom to study on your own schedule. This means that you have to be more proactive, but if you take advantage of the experience you can really get a lot out of it.
The long breaks built in to the UK university schedule also leaves lots of time for traveling. I have had the opportunity to explore a lot of the UK and Scotland, and am about to depart on the trip to Ireland. Travel in the UK is affordable and helps provide a rewarding extra curricular experience to add to your studies. The friendships I have made here will last a lifetime as will the memories. In the end, studying in the UK gives you so much more than a degree, and I would suggest it to anyone.
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