Applying to UK universities can be stressful! Once you start receiving university decisions, and get those first exciting offers of admission, it becomes very real that you may be coming up to a whirlwind of important, and potentially life-changing decisions. We know that it’s so easy to get lost in the mountain of steps between receiving an offer, and your first day of university, and that’s why Across the Pond is here to help you “Keep Calm and Carry On”! This 85-year-old saying still resonates within the UK, and it’s a great reminder to take a step back from the overwhelming application process over the coming months and take things one step at a time.
Join Advisor Brittany as she discusses post-application expectations regarding your university offers, accommodations, funding opportunities, the visa application, and pre-departure steps that’ll put you on the right track to not only choosing a UK university but choosing the right UK university.
Recorded 2 February 2024
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